Re-release in Windows, MaciOS and Linux versions!

Hey ^o^!
It's been like, what? Nearly 2 years since I released this project to this world ^^!
During the time since I released it, I have learnt more and more about Unity, and I've decided to modify the projects a bit :3!
First, the UI now scales according. So whether you're using a small laptop, or a monitor the size of a family TV screen, the UI won't distort OwO! Try resizing the window ^w^!
(maximum window ^w^!)
(minimised window, see how the UI scales with the minimisation OwO!)
And secondly, there is now a proper. Sorry for the MaciOS and Linux users who missed out T^T!
And an update on myself:
Right now I'm a full time normal computer science and japanese studies student, so unfortunately I haven't really been able to be much in the indie dev scene ;-;.
There are so many projects I did back in game dev that I would love to share but they aren't polished yet T^T! But when I get time, I will polish them up and add them ^o^!
But I haven't been slacking off! Since, I've been working on my passion, a platonic visual novel that explores the of a recluse finding her way in society, and I've been working on a prototype for it causally on and off since last year, and now that's nearly done, production of a releasable demo will begin in about 2 months time, and I hope to give an update on this sometime in the near future :3!
Well thanks for giving this a read ^o^!
Get halloween night gacha
halloween night gacha
My first video game, a halloween themed gacha style world exploration.
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- Android version released!Jul 06, 2021
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